Web series LacTalk Pet episode 4: Stress and weight management

  • Find out about stress and weight management in pets and treatment advice with the 4th episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

Web series LacTalk Pet episode 3: Stress and gastrointestinal health

  • Find out about stress and gastrointestinal disease in pets and treatment advice with the 3rd episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

Web series LacTalk Pet episode 2: Stress and skin diseases

  • Find out about stress and dermatologic disease in pets and treatment advice with the 2nd episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

Web Series LacTalk Pet episode 1: Stress and behavior issues

  • Find out about stress and behavior issues in pets and treatment advice with the 1st episode of LacTalk Pet!
  • Dr. Lisa Radosta is a Board certified veterinary behaviorist, who practices at the Florida Veterinary Behavior Service clinic.

The right information and products can reduce stress and improve our pets’ quality of life. To discover the kinds of research and other information that may provide a healthier and longer life, just contact us today!

The Effects of Stress on Your Pet’s Gastro Health

The Effects of Stress on Your Pet’s Gastro Health

At first glance, anxiety and stress might seem unrelated to your pet’s gastro health. But, a recent study suggests otherwise.

As it turns out, gastro health or the health of the gut microbiome is “inextricably linked to pet health and disease,” according to the study. 

A healthy gut equals healthy behaviors for cats and dogs. So if your pet struggles with anxiety or other behavioral problems, read on. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about stress and pet gut health.

What Exactly Is the Gut Microbiome?

Microbiome refers to microorganisms. Tiny things, like bacteria, fungus, and viruses. A whole host of which live in the digestive tracts of people and animals.

What we refer to as the gut is made up of three components: 

  • the stomach
  • the small intestine
  • the colon (also called the large intestine)

The gut is a microsystem unto itself. Scientists estimate 38 trillion different bacteria, viruses, and fungi, call it home.

The conglomeration of those bacteria is a living organism, the microbiome! 

The microbiome is the biggest immune organ of the body. And it is responsible for way more than just digesting food.

New research shows that the gut microbiome:

Gastro Health, Stress, and the Microbiome

The gut microbiome communicates directly with the brain.

Think about all those times you’ve had a gut instinct or a gut feeling about something. That’s your microbiome talking.

The same is true in animals. This internal communications phenomenon is known as the Gut-Brain Axis.

You may be thinking, Hold on now, my brain and my stomach talk to each other?? How?!?

The gut bacteria create chemicals; these chemicals then communicate with the brain via the nervous and hormonal systems.

The effect of this communication on the mood of the host depends on who’s at home. That is to say, what specific bacteria are in the gut making the chemicals.

Some bacteria make chemicals that are calming. In contrast, others provoke anxiety and depression.

Therefore, an imbalance or disturbance in the gut biome could lead to increased expression of anxiety and aggression. As well as a slew of other problems.

What Causes Dog and Cat Anxiety?

Dogs and cats are very empathic. If you are neurotic and anxious, studies show that your pets may develop those characteristics too.

Aside from human influence, there are a few other common causes of dog/cat anxiety:

  • the wrong type of food
  • the incorrect quantity of food
  • any type of discomfort
  • significant pain and disease
  • not getting appropriate exercise
  • fear/separation anxiety
  • grief

As mentioned, dogs and cats are empathetic. Which means they are very sensitive to their environments.

They appreciate routine and thrive when there is consistency in the home, much like we humans do. 

How to Manage Your Pet’s Gastro Stress

Stress has a negative impact on many systems of your pet’s body. But perhaps most influential is the effect on gastro health.

It is impossible to have a healthy individual when gastro health is lacking. So it is crucial to keep the gut microbiome in tip-top shape.

Fortunately, studies show that the right nutritional interventions can cause rapid, positive changes to the microbiome.

For example, varying the number of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the animal’s diet significantly impacted the gut microbiome in one such study.

The degree of digestibility of your pet’s food is also essential. Unfortunately, many pet food brands contain high levels of fillers.

Fillers can be products like:

  • corncobs
  • feathers
  • soy
  • cottonseed hulls
  • peanut hulls 
  • citrus pulp
  • weeds 
  • straw 
  • cereal by-products

Sounds delicious right? No. You wouldn’t want to find that stuff in your food either.

These substances don’t have much nutritional value at all. They are included because they are inexpensive and have some fiber content. But, in the long term, they could disturb the gut biome and leave your pet malnourished. 

When possible, opt for a high-quality, reputable brand to feed your furry friends.

Consider Bioactive Food

Sometimes a balanced diet alone is not enough to nurture the gut biome. In extreme cases, more may be needed. Such as if your pet was recently on antibiotics or is experiencing severe health issues.

Enter bioactive food. 

Pet food using bioactive recipes work will work with your dogs biology. Whether they are a babies, teens, or elderly, there is a bioactive recipe for them.

The benefits are tailored for your pet’s overall health. How?

By using ingredients combined in specific combinations. These combinations are easily digested by your pet. Ensuring the highest level of nutrients are bioavailable.

With the right combination of bioactive food ingredients you can:

  • establish a healthy GI environment
  • control skin problems due to yeast
  • support the immune system
  • support healthy elimination
  • reduce bad breath

Healthy Diet and Lifestyle 

Just like their human companions, dog/cat gut health comes down to living a healthy lifestyle. 

It’s a beautiful symbiotic relationship. Both are helping the other be healthy. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, pet ownership can 

  • enhance fitness levels
  • lower blood pressure
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • relieve stress
  • improve mental health
  • improve heart health
  • boost overall well-being

The Bottom Line For Your Pet’s Health

There’s no way around it. If you want to support your pet’s gastro health, you’ve got to support their microbiome. However, if you are concerned about your pet’s gastro health, there are kits you can order online to test it.

They will be replete with recommendations for how to balance your pet’s gut biome. 

In short, tending gastro health is easier than you think. You can support your pet’s gastro health by making sure they get:

  • proper diet, including bioactive food
  • supplements as needed
  • adequate exercise
  • routines
  • consistency

And make sure to address any serious concerns to your family veterinarian. They can help guide you in making the best choices for your furry friends. 

Are you still looking for more health information? Then, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!

We’ve got cutting-edge insights into a wide range of hot health topics. 

The Effects of Stress on Your Pet’s Skin

The Effects of Stress on Your Pet’s Skin

Your pet’s largest organ is actually their skin and coat! In fact, their skin and coat comprise 10 to 15% of their total body weight. A lustrous coat could indicate your pet is in the best possible health.

Otherwise, a dry, unkempt, or flaky coat could indicate a serious health condition. In some cases, thyroid disease, Cushing’s, or nutritional disorders could cause issues. In many cases, however, pet stress is the root cause of skin issues. 

In fact, their stress could cause yours to rise!

How can pet anxiety impact your pet’s skin? Keep reading to find out!

After reading this guide, you can determine if your pet needs a little extra help. Read on to learn more today.

Your Pet’s Coat

First, it helps to understand a little more about your pet’s skin and coat.

Their skin is made up of the hypodermis, which contains:

  • Fat
  • Dermis
  • Epidermis

The dermis is made up of collagen. Collagen is an essential protein that can impact hair, skin, and bone health. The dermis is the largest portion of the skin.

It’s metabolically active. The dermis also contains sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

The sebaceous glands secrete sebum, an oily substance that keeps skin and hair lubricated. It coats your pet’s hair to prevent friction when they move.

The epidermis, on the other hand, contains keratinocytes. These specialized skin cells contain keratin. Keratin is a waxy substance that coats the epidermis.

It’s responsible for preventing water loss through the skin.

A pet’s coat is composed of thousands of hairs. Their hair is constantly under environmental stress, which can cause shedding.

How a Pet’s Skin and Coat Impact Their Health

Pet stress can impact your pet’s coat and skin. Changes to their coat and skin can impact your pet’s overall health.

In fact, their skin and coat play vital roles. They work as part of your pet’s immune system. They’re crucial for proper hydration, too.

Your pet’s skin and coat also protect them from:

  • External objects
  • Environmental stressors
  • Chemicals and chemical damage
  • Trauma
  • Ultraviolet light

This barrier protects their internal organs from external threats.

Their skin and coat play a part in their immune system, too. If the skin becomes compromised, disease or infection could cause harmful bacteria to spread.

Maintaining a healthy coat can help your pet regulate their temperature, too. A strong layer of fur will insulate them as needed. Meanwhile, hair follicles can bring hairs closer together.

This allows insulation or makes it easier for air to get under loose furs to keep your pet cool.

Skin plays a part in your pet’s hydration as well.

If they lose water through their skin, it could impact their overall health. Pets don’t have sweat glands. Excess water loss could impact the energy they need to maintain a healthy metabolism as a result.

Your pet’s skin also stores nutrients like protein and amino acids. Collagen fibers and enzymes are present in the skin, too. Fatty acids help protect your pet from inflammation. 

Other nutrients include:

  • Linoleic acid
  • Precursors to vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • B vitamins

These vitamins and minerals protect your pet.

If pet anxiety or stress impacts their coat, they’ll no longer have this layer of protection.

Know How to Recognize Normal Shedding

Is pet stress impacting your pet’s skin and coat? First, you’ll need to recognize how much they usually shed. 

Normal shedding is healthy. Damaged and old hair can fall away, making way for new hair. Shedding also ensures natural oils are disbursed to keep your pet’s coat healthy.

Normal shedding can vary based on:

  • Allergies
  • The time of year
  • Your pet’s breed
  • Your pet’s existing health

For example, older pets can develop hypothyroidism and nutritional deficiencies. They might shed more as a result. Allergies can cause them to scratch, causing additional shedding, too.

Meanwhile, sunlight can trigger hair growth.

Try to keep an eye out for how much your pet usually sheds. If you notice any changes, you might want to consider your pet’s mental health. 

Anxiety and Hair Loss

Anxiety can cause many health problems in humans and pets. For example, your pet might experience hair loss if they experience pet anxiety.

When they’re stressed, your pet’s epinephrine levels will increase. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. Excess adrenaline can cause hair loss. 

Some studies indicate that pet stress could impact their skin health and longevity.

Dogs with extreme non-social fear and separation anxiety had an increased severity and frequency of skin disorders. A fear of strangers could cause a significantly shortened lifespan, too. According to the study, stress and anxiety could have a negative impact on your dog’s health and lifespan. 

Factors That Can Increase Stress

Certain environmental factors can increase pet stress.

For example, you might notice your cat or dog experiences pet separation anxiety. The fear of being left alone could impact their skin health. 

A lack of exercise could cause unnecessary stress, too. This is especially common for dogs born from high energy breeds. Your dog might require more daily exercise.

Noises might trigger your pet’s anxiety as well. For example, maybe there’s construction next door or dogs barking in the neighbor’s yard. Increased noise levels can further trigger their anxiety.

Change is a major anxiety trigger, too.

Changes to your pet’s routine or environment might cause them excessive stress. Try to maintain a normal routine. Otherwise, you might notice changes in your pet’s anxiety.

Their hair could start to fall out as a result. 

Excess stress for an extended period of time can cause other changes to your pet’s health, too.

For example, they might develop a loss of appetite. They could start chewing on non-food items instead.

Meanwhile, stress can cause the cortisol hormone to rise. Cortisol can also cause skin issues.

Cortisol can weaken your pet’s immune system, leading to demodectic mange (a skin disease).

Your pet might also develop behavioral issues, diarrhea, or issues urinating.

If these symptoms sound familiar, you might want to consider pet anxiety meds or another solution.

Pet Stress: Understanding How Anxiety and Stress Can Impact Your Pet

Small changes in your pet’s life can have a big impact on their stress levels. Pet stress can lead to skin issues and other health concerns. 

Don’t let pet anxiety and stress impact your cat or dog’s overall health. Instead, keep an eye out for these symptoms. 

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