Water’s Influence on Blood Sugar: Separating Fact from Fiction

Water’s Influence on Blood Sugar: Separating Fact from Fiction

Water is life’s most basic necessity yet; its role in health extends well beyond preventing mere thirst. Scientists now recognize the intricate ways hydration status influences core processes like blood sugar regulation. With metabolic conditions reaching epidemic scales globally, understanding water’s impact on glycemic control becomes pivotal.

In this blog, we analyze emerging science on water-glucose interactions debunk common myths from global food tech Ingredia that explain mechanisms underpinning water’s assistance in blood sugar management.

Water’s Vital but Variable Role

Water constitutes over 60% of adult body weight with fluid balance crucial for homeostasis. But hydration needs and effects fluctuate significantly based on health state, climate and activities. Water may provide neutral, beneficial or even adverse effects on blood sugar markers depending on individual context.

For example, plain water clearly assists diabetes management as the optimal no-calorie beverage for thirst without spiking glucose or calories. However large volumes can potentially dilute sodium levels dangerously. Meanwhile, dehydration from restricted fluid intake may benefit glycemia control short term but causes detrimental outcomes longer term.

This variability means definitive conclusions on water-glucose interactions require nuanced evidence-based evaluation. Any universal declarations on water’s impact could propagate as misguided myths lacking context.

Fact or Fiction? Common Water Beliefs for Blood Sugar

Let’s examine some recurring opinions on hydration and blood glucose using latest scientific benchmarks:

“Drinking more water always lowers blood sugar.”

Fiction. While helpful for most people as a zero-calorie beverage, excess water intake can adversely lower electrolyte levels in diabetics or those on SGLT-2 inhibitors, causing temporary hyperglycemia from medication side effects. Outcomes differ based on individual health conditions.

“Dehydration from low water intake reduces glycemia.”

Partly Fact. Studies confirm even mild dehydration increases blood glucose and HbA1c levels as hydration state influences glucose homeostasis. Though lowering glucose levels short term when acutely dehydrated, persistent fluid restriction and thirst triggers rebound high blood sugar from stress responses.

“Increasing water intake reverses insulin resistance.”

Fiction. No evidence proves higher water consumption alone can reverse cellular insulin signaling dysfunctions driving resistance over the long run. However, even mild persistent dehydration worsens insulin resistance. Adequate hydration helps but is not curative.

As we see, declarative statements on water’s universality in managing blood sugar prove overly simplistic. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, with contextual and personalized guidance needed.

Serving the Needs of Seniors: The Impact of Stress, Blood Sugar, and Immunity on Well-being

Serving the Needs of Seniors: The Impact of Stress, Blood Sugar, and Immunity on Well-being

As we age, it’s important to focus on maintaining our overall health and well-being. This includes managing stress levels, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and keeping our immune systems strong. These factors play a crucial role in senior well-being and can impact their quality of life. In this article, we will delve into the impact of stress, blood sugar, and immunity on senior well-being and explore how companies can serve seniors’ needs with our bioactive ingredient, Lactium®.

The Impact of Stress on Senior Well-being

Stress is a natural response to the demands of life. However, as we age, our bodies become less able to cope with stress, leading to a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Chronic stress can lead to increased blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Studies have shown that stress management is essential to maintaining senior well-being. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help reduce stress levels and improve overall health. Additionally, incorporating adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola in your daily routine can support your body’s stress response system.

The Impact of Blood Sugar on Senior Well-being

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for senior well-being. High blood sugar levels can lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and nerve damage. In contrast, low blood sugar levels can cause fatigue, confusion, and even seizures.

A healthy diet that is low in processed sugars and high in fiber and protein can help regulate blood sugar levels. Exercise is also essential for blood sugar regulation as it helps the body use insulin more effectively. Certain supplements like chromium and magnesium can help support healthy blood sugar levels. Additionally, Pep2Dia® by Ingredia USA Inc, is a great item to add to products that support blood sugar and well being.  

The Impact of Immunity on Senior Well-being

As we age, our immune system weakens, making us more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This can impact our overall well-being and quality of life. A weakened immune system can lead to increased inflammation, chronic illness, and a slower recovery time.

There are many ways to support immune function, including getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet. Supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, and probiotics can help support a healthy immune system. Additionally, lactoferrin and colostrum additives by Ingredia USA Inc, are a great item to add to products that support senior immunity. 

How Lactium® Can Serve Senior Well-being Needs

At Ingredia USA Inc., we understand the importance of supporting senior well-being. That’s why we developed Lactium®, a bioactive ingredient that has been clinically shown to help reduce stress levels and support healthy sleep patterns.

Lactium® is a natural ingredient that is derived from milk protein. It works by regulating the body’s stress response system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Studies have shown that Lactium® can help improve sleep quality, reduce fatigue, and improve overall well-being.

By incorporating Lactium® into your products, you can better serve the needs of seniors who are looking for natural ways to manage stress and improve their sleep patterns. Lactium® is a safe and effective ingredient that can be added to a wide range of products, including beverages, supplements, and functional foods.

It’s important to focus on maintaining our overall health and well-being. Stress management, healthy blood sugar levels, and a strong immune system are all essential to senior well-being. By incorporating Lactium® into your products, you can better serve the needs of seniors who are looking for natural ways to manage stress and improve their sleep patterns. At Ingredia USA Inc., we are committed to supporting senior well-being, and we believe that Lactium® is an excellent ingredient to help achieve this goal.

Sleep and Blood Sugar: How Sleep Impacts Your Blood Sugar Levels

Sleep and Blood Sugar: How Sleep Impacts Your Blood Sugar Levels

Sleep plays a key role in your body maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Diabetes and obesity are affected by your body’s blood sugar levels. Since physical health and sleep are majorly connected, it’s no surprise that your blood sugar levels are affected by your sleep patterns. 

This guide will discuss the consequences of lack of sleep and blood sugar levels on your body. Learn how to sleep better as you manage your symptoms. 

Can Sleep Lower or Raise My Glucose Levels?

It’s true. Sleep can both lower and raise your glucose levels. 

Your body goes through the circadian rhythm each day, and the cycle lasts for 24 hours. The circadian rhythm includes the following types of changes:

  • Behavioral 
  • Mental 
  • Physical 

Even if you’re not asleep, your blood sugar levels will rise every evening. It’s part of your body’s natural circadian rhythm cycle. However, sleep and blood sugar level fluctuations are normal events and not an area to be concerned about for most people. 

Restorative sleep can sometimes lower a person’s unhealthy blood sugar levels. It does this by promoting healthy systems in your body. 

Additionally, a decreased amount of sleep can increase blood sugar levels. Even sleep deprivation for one night can increase your body’s insulin resistance. As a result, your blood sugar levels will rise with it. 

A lack of sleep, or insomnia, has been connected to diabetes. Some of the following factors can influence the relationship between blood sugar levels and sleep:

  • The individual’s age
  • When they sleep 
  • What sleep stages do they experience 
  • How much time do they spend sleeping
  • Their eating habits

Does Low Blood Sugar Result in Sleep Issues?

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can result in sleep problems. Nocturnal hypoglycemia only occurs at night. 

Low blood sugar, while a person is sleeping, can result in the following side effects:

  • Yelling or crying during sleep
  • Profusely sweating
  • Nightmares
  • Feeling confused or irritable when you wake up

Do Sleep Disorders Affect Your Blood Sugar?

Since blood sugar levels and lack of sleep are connected, it only makes sense that your blood sugar levels will rise when you don’t sleep well. Some of the following sleep disorders have been connected to a person’s sugar levels:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Impaired tolerance of glucose 
  • Sleep Disordered Breathing: Higher levels of glucose
  • Severe Breathing Issues: Higher levels of blood sugar

Poor or lack of sleep is sometimes associated with a diabetic person’s ability to control their glucose levels. 

Common Sleep Disorders That Are Connected to Diabetes 

Tossing and turning during the night is common for those who suffer from diabetes. It can result from different diabetes symptoms, but it also might indicate there’s another health problem. 

Restless Leg Syndrom (RLS)

The constant urge to move around your legs is known as restless leg syndrome. It occurs mostly in the evening hours. It can make it difficult for people to stay or fall asleep. 

Some RLS risk factors include:

  • Kidney problems
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Thyroid disorders 

A person might also suffer from RLS if they have an iron deficiency. 

Sleep Apnea

People who struggle to maintain healthy blood sugar levels also commonly suffer from sleep apnea. This event occurs when a person repeatedly starts and stops breathing while sleeping. 

Some side effects of sleep apnea include snoring or feeling sleepy throughout the day. People who are obese or have a family history of sleep disorders are more at risk for it. 

To help relieve your symptoms, you can incorporate a healthy diet and exercise routine into your life. You can also speak with your doctor about getting a special mask that you can wear while sleeping. The masks increase the amount of air pressure in your throat, allowing you to breathe better. 


Those who have problems falling and then staying asleep suffer from insomnia. High-stress levels coupled with high glucose levels put you more at risk for insomnia. 

If you believe you have insomnia, look at why you might have problems falling asleep. Evaluate if you’re having family issues or work in a high-stress job. You can also speak with a medical professional to help figure out what’s causing your issues. 

Ways to Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels While You Sleep

Learning good sleep habits are essential given the close connection between sleep and diabetes. These habits include both day and nighttime activities. 

These habits include:

  • Maintaining a consistent sleep scheduling 
  • Healthy eating habits that keep your blood sugar levels in control 
  • Regular exercise 
  • Keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool 
  • Avoiding nicotine and caffeine before bedtime

Before you go to bed, remove all distractions from your room. This includes your cell phone, especially if you’re prone to checking it throughout the night. 

If you need an alarm to wake up, purchase an alarm clock. This will empower you to keep your cell phone in another room while you sleep. 

You can also create white noise to play while you sleep. Birds chirping or the sound of the garbage truck driving by can disrupt your sleep patterns. Consider turning on a fan to reduce distracting noises. 

Depending upon your situation, your healthcare provider might recommend certain sleep aids. They can also give you recommendations on how to sleep better. 

Educate Yourself on the Connection Between Sleep and Blood Sugar

It’s important to know the connection between sleep and blood sugar levels. Your body’s blood sugar naturally fluctuates throughout the day and night, but you want that change to be healthy. Check out our wide range of products used as dietary supplements to help manage your blood sugar levels.

Nutrition and Post-Workout Recovery to Promote Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Nutrition and Post-Workout Recovery to Promote Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Diet and exercise are the key pillars of a healthy life, but they are even more critical for those who struggle to regulate their blood sugar. Believe it or not, 96 million Americans struggle with healthy blood sugar levels, especially after working out.

If you’re trying to keep up with your exercise routines, you probably want to know how to leverage your diet for the best results. Luckily, we’re here to help with that. Let’s talk about the best foods for post-workout recovery to promote healthy blood sugar levels. .

Foods to Avoid

Generally, not just after a workout, there are foods people should avoid to prevent insulin spikes. However, it’s even more important to refuel your body after a workout when your sugar levels are likely to drop.

Ideally, you want to eat primarily complex carbs and quality protein after a workout, with some healthy fats in the mix. Avoid starches and sugars whenever possible. Complex carbs are much better as they take longer to digest, which lowers the risk of blood sugar or insulin spikes.

For example, a handful of berries is better than an ice cream sandwich. Essentially, you want to look for slower-digesting carbohydrates with more nutritional value.

However, that doesn’t apply to anybody when you are trying to regular your blood sugar. Milk already has sugar in it, and adding more is a recipe for a blood sugar spike. Unless your blood sugar is dangerously low after your workout, avoid simple sugars such as:

  • Candy
  • Energy drinks
  • Baked goods (muffins, donuts, cake, etc.)
  • Soda
  • Juice
  • Sugary coffee
  • Smoothies (most)

You should also avoid starchy foods, including white potatoes (such as fries, chips, etc.), white bread, and white rice. Maintaining your blood sugar levels is most important.

In general, you should also avoid deep-fried foods or foods that are extremely calorie-dense, like bacon or sausage. Eating smaller meals throughout the day with the right nutritional value is always recommended.

Nutrition for Post-Workout Recovery

When trying to maintain your blood sugar levels, there are certain foods you should try to eat after your workouts to refuel your body and start the recovery process. For example, you should eat some sugars to restore your body’s glycogen stores, which are often depleted after a workout, but they need to come from the right sources.

Always drink water before and after your workout, as post-workout hydration is critical for maintaining blood sugar levels and aiding in recovery. Aim for at least 16 oz before your workout and another 16 oz after.

Throughout the day, especially when exercising, women should aim to drink 11.5 cups of water, and men should aim to drink 15.5 cups.

Eggs and Whole Grain Toast

Whole-grain bread offers a rich nutritional portfolio loaded with fiber, complex carbohydrates, and some protein. Choose a thinly sliced bread if the carbs are too high, ensure that there is no added sugar, and find a bread you enjoy!

If you need some extra healthy fat or calories, add an avocado to your toast or nut butter for an extra protein kick. Are you looking to lower your fat intake? Try using only egg whites.

Don’t eat eggs? Scramble up some tofu for a similar texture and make it the way you like it!

For extra nutrition, scramble your eggs with onions, spinach, and tomatoes. These vegetables are delicious, low in carbs, and high in fiber and micronutrients to aid in recovery.

Meal idea: Egg sandwich or sunnyside up eggs on top of toast. If you need extra sugars, add a piece of fruit to the meal.


Also, for people who prefer to work out in the mornings, half a cup of oats has 23 grams of net carbs, 4 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Have a glass of milk on the side (or in the oatmeal) for extra protein.

Meal idea: To avoid adding too much sugar, use berries instead of sugary fruits or nut butter for some extra protein.

Greek Yogurt and Fruit

Remember, berries are some of the best fruits you can eat to prevent unnecessary spikes, and they are also loaded with nutrition. Also, there are plenty of options for low-sugar or sugar-free Greek yogurt available today, so mix it in with some berries for a quality post-workout snack.

Meal idea: Need extra carbs? Put some low-sugar granola or overnight oats into your yogurt, along with some berries.

Protein Shake

Drink a protein shake along with some oatmeal, berries, or whole grains for a quality protein boost after your workout. A quality protein shake will help refuel your body, help with post-workout recovery, and post-workout hydration, and won’t cause sugar spikes.

Peanut Butter Sandwich

This should only be used with thinly sliced bread or low-carb bread, but always whole grain! Avoid using jelly or “fluff,” and have a glass of skim or 1% milk on the side. The amino acid profiles in bread and peanut butter create a “complete protein,” which means that it’s just as beneficial for post-workout recovery as eggs, meat, or dairy.

Be Consistent About Post-Workout Recovery

Diet and exercise are your best defense against insulin and blood sugar spikes, so take it seriously.

Now that you know some great post-workout recovery meals and nutritional advice, put it to use and keep yourself healthy! Stay up to date with our latest health & fitness news, and feel free to contact us with any questions.

Blood Sugar and the Benefits of Building Muscle Mass

Blood Sugar and the Benefits of Building Muscle Mass

About one in every ten Americans will develop diabetes. Type two diabetes is commonly referred to as a “lifestyle disease.”

Insulin is the hormone that our bodies use to turn the food we eat into energy. The more insulin our bodies produce, the more it increases the production of glycogen.

Fortunately, there is a simple way to control your insulin production. One of the benefits of building muscle is to control insulin resistance (the culprit of diabetes) and further prevent diabetes.

In this guide, we discuss a few reasons building muscle can protect you from developing diabetes. Keep reading to learn more.

Understanding Muscle Mass

Muscle mass, unlike lean body mass, exclusively refers to the muscles in your body. There is skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle make up different organs in your body.

For the sake of this guide, we’ll be discussing skeletal muscle. These are the large muscles all over the body that we exercise during strength training. These muscles can be built up, maintained, or shrink depending on your activity and age. 

In preventing diabetes, the goal is to build a healthy amount of skeletal muscle to stabilize blood sugar. 

The Relationship Between Blood Sugar and Muscle Mass

When it comes to preventing diabetes your weight matters. More specifically though, the proportion of your weight that is muscle is what matters. 

Diabetes happens when your body no longer makes enough insulin or doesn’t metabolize it as it should. This is what causes the high blood sugar levels associated with pre-diabetes and diabetes. Insulin resistance if not managed can progress into type two diabetes.

Luckily, one of the best ways to reverse insulin resistance is through exercise, specifically strength training. Studies found a link between increased muscle mass and reduced insulin resistance and prediabetes.

For every 10% increase in muscle mass within the body, insulin resistance reduces by 11% and prediabetes reduces by 12%. The more muscle your body has, the more excess glucose your body can use or flush out.

Living a sedentary lifestyle greatly increases the risk of developing diabetes. This is not news, but in the past being lean was the only aspect of diabetes prevention highly valued. 

Today doctors realize the ideal combination is being lean and also having a higher muscle mass ratio. This calls for a mix of aerobic exercise and at least two days of full-body strength training weekly. 

The Benefits of Building Muscle Mass to Control Blood Sugar

One of the benefits of building muscle via strength and weight training is its ability to help you reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Adults who want to prevent type two diabetes are recommended to strength train at least two or three times a week. Building muscle mass to control blood sugar has been shown to help managers and improve the following diabetes precursors.

Burns Blood Sugar

When strength training your body uses up old glycogen stores to feed the muscles. Once the stored muscular glycogen is consumed, the body then turns to the liver glycogen and blood sugar. 

By removing and consuming excess blood sugar, the next meal you have, your body will be eager instead of overwhelmed by the sugar in your meal.

Improves Glucose Storage

Trained muscles are better at storing glucose in the form of glycogen. When glucose is stored instead of roaming around freely in the blood, it helps to reduce overall blood sugar levels which further decreases the risk of developing diabetes.

Consistently elevated blood sugar, especially fasting blood sugar, is a sign of pre-diabetes. 

Controls Cravings

Because increased muscle mass helps reduce sugar in the blood, it is responsible for helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels plummet or skyrocket, we can have unstable energy and mood disruptions that prompt us to seek out unhealthy food.

A poor diet is a contributing factor in the development of diabetes among other diseases.

Simplifies Weight Loss

When you strength train you build lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass a person has, the easier it is for them to maintain and lose weight. Studies found that losing 5 to 10% of your current body weight can improve your overall HbA1c score.

Your HbA1c measures hemoglobin A1C and is the main test to help those manage diabetes. Because it denotes your blood sugar levels over three months it is also useful in preventing diabetes. 

Burning muscle helps us lose weight and losing weight lowers A1C scores. 

Targets Visceral Belly Fat

Visceral fat is encapsulating abdominal fat. It is incredibly dangerous and disrupts hormones, including insulin. Adipocytes release hormones that trigger insulin resistance. If left unchecked insulin resistance can become diabetes.

With strength training, aerobic exercise, and stress reduction you can reduce your body’s visceral fat. 

The Best Foods for Regulating Blood Sugar Levels and Boosting Muscle Growth

If your goal is to build muscle, lose weight and steady blood glucose-protein needs to be your best friend. This macronutrient is abundant in many food sources, but it is important to consider the quality of the protein you consume. Some of the best sources of protein for building muscle mass include:

  • Lean meats
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Nuts and legumes

These protein sources stem from nature and are shown to reduce blood sugar levels which can stabilize cravings.

Prevent Diabetes by Increasing Your Muscle Mass

It’s amazing that one of the benefits of building muscle is offsetting disease. If you’re wondering how to build muscle mass naturally make sure to strength train at least two times weekly and take a rest day between strength sessions.

Support your workouts with healthy protein consumption that matches your activity level.Consistently following the steps above can help you control blood sugar, lose weight, and prevent diabetes. Read more on other steps you can take to prevent diabetes.

Water and Blood Sugar: How Staying Hydrated Helps Manage Blood Sugar

Water and Blood Sugar: How Staying Hydrated Helps Manage Blood Sugar

We’ve all heard the advice that drinking 8 glasses of water per day is good for our health. However, most of us struggle to drink the recommended amount each day. According to one study, less than 25% of Americans partake in 8 glasses a day.

For those living with diabetes, proper water intake is even more crucial. Why is this? In this article, we’ll explore the link between water and blood sugar, and how important it is to stay properly hydrated.

Benefits of Water

To begin, let’s look at the benefits that water brings to our bodies. The principal chemical component present in our bodies is, you guessed it, water. Our bodies require water to function properly, not to mention survive altogether. Everything within our bodies relies on water to operate: tissues, joints, body temperature, and even waste removal.

We lose water constantly throughout the day via things like exercise or environmental factors. Lack of water leads to dehydration, which eventually causes our normal functions to operate at inefficient levels. Not drinking enough water can lead to things like lack of energy and brain fog.

By drinking enough water, we replenish our system, thus allowing our body and brain to function at optimal levels.

Water and Blood Sugar

For those with diabetes or anyone trying to prevent it, proper water intake is especially crucial. Water helps control blood glucose levels, and for people living with diabetes or those that are trying to prevent diabetes, blood sugar management is of utmost importance. So, how does water reduce blood sugar?

A diabetic body isn’t able to utilize glucose correctly to turn it into energy. This leads to a buildup of sugar in the bloodstream. IIf there are excess levels of glucose within the bloodstream, and not enough water to flush it out, the body may borrow from other areas like tears or saliva. If access to other areas is limited, that extra glucose will continue to build up, leading to dehydration. 

In short, water helps flush out glucose located in the blood. This helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels due to the dilution of the built-up concentration of glucose.

Lack of Water

At the point where a body begins to borrow from other areas like the eyes or muscle tissue for hydration, the kidneys have already been working overtime. A lack of hydration will cause the kidneys to retain fluid, as well as hang onto unwanted glucose.

This sort of strain wreaks havoc not only on blood sugar levels but the health of your body as a whole. However, proper hydration can help.

Hydration is Key

We know that hydration is of utmost importance but you may be asking yourself the question ‘how much water should I drink?’

Your water intake levels may vary depending on your lifestyle. For example, if you’re a highly active person, your body may require more water to rehydrate to optimal levels. Maybe you’re someone who lives in an extremely arid climate. If so, you might also require a few extra glasses per day.

Each body’s needs will vary and hydration levels should truly be individualized. However, a good daily rule of thumb is to drink anywhere from 4 to 6 cups per day.

Bonus Options

Drinking plain glasses of water throughout the day can feel boring and downright hard to do sometimes. However, there are other options available to you in order to stay hydrated and keep blood sugar levels under control.

You can implement utilizing an online app to track your water consumption and set reminders. Or try habit stacking by drinking your water alongside everyday tasks. Getting up to check your phone? Drink some water. Getting up to make a snack? Drink some water. Taking your daily vitamins? Drink a full glass of water. Make it easy for yourself to get those glasses in.

If you struggle with plain water, try infusing your water with natural flavors. You can use fruits like lemons, limes, or strawberries to naturally sweeten it. Using herbs such as mint or basil can also add a refreshing layer, making it easier to get those glasses in throughout the day.

In addition to tricking your brain into remembering to drink water, there are products made to specifically help regulate blood sugar levels.

Food Innovation

Apart from merely drinking enough water to stay hydrated and ensuring glucose is properly flushed out of the blood, proper diet habits should be noted as well.

Companies such as Ingredia offer future-thinking foods meant to improve overall health via innovative dairy technology. A healthy lifestyle paired with proper hydration is key to the management of blood sugar levels. One particular functional food option that Ingredia offers is specifically meant to manage blood sugar levels.

Offered in the form of a digestive enzyme, Pep2Dia, a health ingredient with an active dipeptide AP, is designed to inhibit the alpha-glucosidase enzyme. This inhibition is what enables the regulation of blood sugar levels within the body. It is meant to be taken prior to a meal as a measure of prevention.

Balanced blood sugar levels mean our bodies are able to regulate glucose in a normal amount of time. Options like Pep2Dia are there to assist with that process.

Drink Your Water

Water and blood sugar levels are highly interconnected. When we properly feed and hydrate our bodies, we lessen our chances of both dehydration and diabetes among many other things.  By maintaining proper water intake, you can keep potential dehydration at bay as well as reduce your chances of a prediabetes diagnosis.If you’re interested in learning about additional ways to help regulate your own blood sugar levels, check out Ingredia’s products here. Don’t hesitate to get your health on track today!